
"With support and guidance of Scholten Medical, I have decided to make a career move to Switzerland. I have accepted a challenging position in the beautifull city of Lucerne, thanks to Scholten's professional guidance and efforts. Scholten Medical can be contacted very easily, the team is extremely driven to help and guide you. In order to prepare myself for job interviews in Switzerland, Scholten Medical contacted me frequently. Also now, after having succesfully passed the first few months in my new job, we are still in contact. The company informed me well on the various job opportunities and the diversity of the different regions. I am very happy that I have landed here in Lucern, I enjoy living and working in this vivid city. Lucerne and it's region have a lot to offer. I am extremely happy to have started this adventure, it has been really worthwhile so far! Shoud I have any questions, I can count on Scholten Medical anytime. I am very grateful to Carolien and Helen for their professional support and guidance."

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